Modern Harmonic Recorders

Modern Harmonic Recorders have been available since 1995; as all-purpose instruments in C, F and G they represent developments of the traditional recorders. Their characteristics include a longer bore and a footjoint with at least two keys. Most recorders of this make also have an extended range of a semitone below the existing lowest note. They have been voiced in such a way that they allow for creative flexibility in expression and response across an extended range. The third octave uses logical fingerings and plays easily due to the harmonically overblown first register notes. These properties offer the player the opportunity to considerably extend the limits of the previously existing repertoire. The increased volume allows for greater support in blowing thus making it easier to play together with other modern instruments. This series of the Aura-Edition has been dedicated to the special properties of these instruments and provides suitable repertoire.

Modern Harmonic Recorders have been available since 1995; as all-purpose instruments in C, F and G they represent developments of the traditional recorders. Their characteristics include a longer... read more »
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Modern Harmonic Recorders

Modern Harmonic Recorders have been available since 1995; as all-purpose instruments in C, F and G they represent developments of the traditional recorders. Their characteristics include a longer bore and a footjoint with at least two keys. Most recorders of this make also have an extended range of a semitone below the existing lowest note. They have been voiced in such a way that they allow for creative flexibility in expression and response across an extended range. The third octave uses logical fingerings and plays easily due to the harmonically overblown first register notes. These properties offer the player the opportunity to considerably extend the limits of the previously existing repertoire. The increased volume allows for greater support in blowing thus making it easier to play together with other modern instruments. This series of the Aura-Edition has been dedicated to the special properties of these instruments and provides suitable repertoire.

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